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Resources and Development



Everything available in our environment that can be used to satisfy our needs, which is technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally acceptable can be termed as resource.


Types of Resource

Resources can be classified on the basis of origin, exhaustibility, ownership and the status of development.

On the basis of origin, resources are of two types, biotic resources and abiotic resources.

Biotic resources are obtained from biosphere and have life, i.e.; human beings, livestock, flora and fauna, fisheries etc.

Abiotic resources are composed of non-living things, e.g., rocks and metals.


On the basis of exhaustibility, resources are renewable and non-renewable.

Renewable resources can be renewed or reproduced by applying physical, chemical or mechanical process e.g. solar energy, wind energy, forest, water, wildlife, etc.

These resources can be further sub divided into two forms, i.e., flow or continuous resources and biological resources.

Non-renewable resources are formed through long geological time period and cannot be renewed easily, e.g., minerals, metals and fossil fuels. These resources may further divided as recyclable and non-recyclable.


On the basis of ownership, resources are individual, community owned, national and international resources.

Individual resources are owned privately by individuals, e.g. plantation, pasture land, farmland, etc.

Community owned resources are equally accessible to all the members of the community e.g., grazing ground, burial grounds, etc.

National resources are under the control of nation, eg. canal, roadways, railways, etc.

International resource are international institutions which regulate some resources like the oceanic resources beyond 200 nautical miles of the Exclusive Economic Zone belong to open ocean which cannot be used by any country without the permission of international institutions.

On the basis of the status of development, resources are potential, developed, stocks and reserves.


Potential resources are those resources which are found in a region, but not yet have been utilised.

Developed resources are surveyed and their quality and quantity is determined for utilization e.g., coal and petroleum.

Stock Material in the environment which have the potential to satisfy human need but human being do not have appropriate technology to access these are known as stock, e.g. hydrogen

Reserves are subset of stock which can used by technical know-how, but their use has not been started, e.g. river water


Development of Resources

Resources are vital for human survival and for maintaining quality of life. But over utilization of resources has led to the serious global problems like global warming, ozone layer depletion. environmental pollution and land degradation.


An equal distribution of resources therefore, is essential for a sustained quality of life and global peace. This can be achieved through sustainable development and resource planning.


Sustainable Development


Sustainable economic development means ‘development should take place without damaging the environment, and development in the present, should not compromise with the needs of the future generations.


Rio De Janeiro Summit, 1992

  • The first International Earth Summit was held in Rio De Janeiro in June 1992.
  • The summit addressed the problems of environmental protection and socio-economic development.
  • Leaders of more than 100 countries signed the Declaration on Global Climate Change and Biological Diversity. They also adopted Global Forest Principles and Agenda 21.


Agenda 21

  • It is a declaration signed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992 at Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
  • It aims to combat environmental damage, poverty, disease through global co-operation, etc. It also aims that every local government should draw its own local Agenda 21.


Resource Planning


  • Planning is the widely accepted strategy for judicious use of resources.
  • Resource planning is essential for sustainable development in India because some regions are rich in one resources but are deficient in other resources.
  • There are some regions which can be considered self-sufficient in terms of availability of resources and there are some regions which have acute shortage of vital resources. e.g. Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh.


Resource Planning in India

  • Complex process of resource planning in India divided into three stages, e.g., identification and inventory of resources, planning for resource development, matching the resource development plans with overall national development plans.
  • India has made concerted efforts for achieving the goals of resources planning right from the First Five Year Plan launched after Independence.


Resources and Colonisation

  • Rich natural resources of colonies were the main attractions for foreign invaders.
  • Technological development of the colonising countries helped them to exploit resources of colonised regions.
  • India has experienced by colonisation that the availability of resources as well as the technology and quality of human resource are needed for proper development.


Conservation of Resources

  • Resources are vital for any developmental activity. To overcome the problems of irrational consumption and over-utilisation of resources resource conservation at various levels is important.
  • At international level, resource conservation advocated in 1968 at Club of Rome and in 1987, the Brundtland Commission Report extensively mentioned the necessity of resources


Land Resources

Land is a very important natural resource. It a limited, so, it needs to be used with careful


Indian’s geographical area comprises of variety relief features i.e. 43 per cent plain land area for agriculture and industries, 27 per cent plates which source of mineral, fossil fuels and forest and 30 per cent of mountains.


Land Utilisation

Land resource are used for the many purposes such as Forests, Land not available for cultivation, Other uncultivated land, Fallow lands, Net sown area


Land Use Pattern in India

The use of land is determined by physical factors like climate, soil type, topography etc as well as human factors like population density, technological capability and culture and traditions, etc. Total geographical area of India is 3.28 million km. Out of this, the land under permanent pasture has decreased. In India, land use data is available for only 93 per cent of total area.

Between 1960-61 and 2014-2015 major changes took place in land use pattern in India.

For example,

  • Most of the other than current fallow lands are of poor quality and their cost of cultivation is very high. The pattern of net sown area varies greatly from one state to another.
  • Forest area in India is far lower than the desired 33% of geographical area.
  • Waste land includes rocky, arid and desert areas and land put to other non-agricultural uses includes settlements, roads, railways, industry, etc.

Dragline, Mining, Coal Mining, Machine

Land Degradation and Conservation Measures

  • It is a common problem associated with land resources which is accelerated today because of human activities like deforestation, overgrazing and mining.
  • Natural factors like water and wind cause erosion of top soil.
  • Mineral processing is also responsible for land degradation.
  • Measures to reduce land degradation are afforestation, controlled grazing, stabilization of and dunes etc.


Soil as a Resources

Soil is a living system and supports different types of living organisms.

It takes millions of years to form soil upto a few an in-depth relief, parent rock or bed rock, climate, vegetation and other forms of life and time are important factors in the formation of soil.


Classification of Soil

There are various types of soils found in India such as Alluvial, Black, Red and Yellow, Laterite, Arid, Forest and Mountain soils.


Alluvial soils

Alluvial soil is the most widespread soil in India, which has been deposited by three important Himalayan River systems i.e. the Indus, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra.


Black Soils

Black soil is also known as black cotton soil or regur soil. The factors that are important for the

formation of black soil are climatic condition along with parent rock material. It is found in the Deccan trap (Basalt) region and is made up of lava flows.


Red and Yellow Soils

It is red in colour due to diffusion of iron particles into crystalline and metamorphic rocks in low rainfall areas of the Deccan plateau (Eastern and Southern parts).

  • It is found in parts of Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Southern parts of Middle Ganga Plain and along the piedmont zone of the Western Ghats.


Laterite SoilsRed earth or soil background Tropical laterite soil or red earth background. More Africa photos: laterite soil stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

  • The word laterite has been derived from the Latin word ‘later ’ which means brick.
  • Laterite Soil develops in tropical and sub-tropical climate with alternative wet and dry season.
  • It is found mostly in Western Ghats region of Maharashtra, Odisha, some parts of West Bengal and North-East regions.




Arid Soils

  • Arid Soil is found in dry areas. In some areas, common salt is obtained in this soil due to evaporation of water.
  • It can be useful for cultivation only with suitable irrigation methods as in case of Western Rajasthan.


Forest Soils

Forest soil is found in hilly and mountainous areas where sufficient rain forests are available

It is found in lower parts of valleys particularly on the river terraces

The balance is disturbed due to natural and human causes.


Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation

  • Soil erosion is the removal of the soil cover and subsequent washing down of top soil.
  • The process of soil formation and erosion go on simultaneously and there is a balance between the two processes.
  • The balance is disturbed due to natural and human causes.
  • Erosion through wind, glacier and water are natural causes.
  • Erosion due to deforestation, overgrazing, construction and mining, etc. are Human causes.
  • Contour ploughing, terrace farming, strip cropping, shelter belts can prevent soil erosion.



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