LCM and HCF Practice Questions

Class – 6


LCM and HCF Practice Questions

  1. Find the HCF of 135 and 225 using the prime factorization method.
  2. What is the HCF of 408 and 1032?
  3. Find the LCM of 48, 96 and 108 by prime factorization method.
  4. Is it possible to have two numbers whose HCF is 18 and LCM is 540?
  5. Two milk tankers contain 450 litres and 600 litres of milk respectively. Find the maximum capacity of a container which can measure the milk of both the tankers when used an exact number of times.
  6. Find the least number which when divided by 12, 15, 18 and 20 leaves a remainder 5 in each case.
  7. Find the smallest 4-digit number which is divisible by 18, 24 and 32.
  8. The length, breadth and height of a box are 75cm, 85cm and 95cm respectively. Find the longest tape which can measure the three dimensions of the box exactly.
  9. In a morning walk, three girls step off together from the same spot. Their steps measure 66cm, 78cm and 90cm respectively. What is the minimum distance each should cover so that all can cover the distance in complete steps?
  10. HCF of two numbers is 2 and product of two numbers is 2340. Find the LCM of two numbers.


Answer Key

  1. 45
  2. 24
  3. 864
  4. Yes
  5. Maximum Capacity = 150 litres ; 3 ; 4
  6. 185
  7. 1152
  8. 5 cm
  9. 3960 cm
  10. 1170




Class 10 Reproduction Important Questions

Topic – Reproduction
Time: 25 Min                                                                                                                              Marks: 20
  1. Reproduction is essential for living organisms in order to
    (a) keep the individual organism alive
    (b) fulfill their energy requirement
    (c) maintain growth
    (d) continue the species generation after generation 
  1. During adolescence, several changes occur in the human body. Mark one change associated with sexual maturation in boys
    (a) loss of milk teeth
    (b) increase in height
    (c) cracking of voice
    (d) weight gain
  1. In human females, an event that reflects onset of reproductive phase is
    (a) growth of body
    (b) changes in hair pattern
    (c) change in voice
    (d) menstruation

    In males, the testes lie in the scrotum, because it helps in the
    (a) process of mating
    (b) formation of sperm
    (c) easy transfer of gametes
    (d) all the above

  1. Which among the following is not the function of testes at puberty?
    (i) formation of germ cells
    (ii) secretion of testosterone
    (iii) development of placenta
    (iv) secretion of estrogen
    (a) (i) and (ii)
    (b) (ii) and (iii)
    (c) (iii) and (iv)
    (d) (i) and (iv)
  1. The correct sequence of organs in the male reproductive system for transport of sperms is
    (a) testis → vas deferens → urethra
    (b) testis → ureter → urethra
    (c) testis → urethra → ureter
    (d) testis → vas deferens → ureter
  1. Which among the following diseases is not sexually transmitted?
    (a) Syphillis
    (b) Hepatitis
    (c) HIV – AIDS
    (d) Gonorrhoea
Question Answers
  1. Male individuals have 23 pairs of chromosomes, female individuals have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Then why doesn’t an offspring have 46 pairs of chromosomes which are obtained by the fusion of these two Gametes?
  2. A group of class X students prepared a street play to educate masses on gender disparity to stop sex determination of girl child and abort it.
  3. In human beings, what is the chance of giving birth to a girl child?
  4. Who is responsible for the birth of a female child and why?
  5. What value is depicted among the group members of class X?
  6. Name two plants whose flowers are unisexual.
  7. Give the full form of DNA.
  8. Name two organisms that reproduce by budding.
  9. What are the limitations of asexual mode of reproduction?
  10. What is the principle of the Surgical method?
  11. Explain the interlink of biotic and abiotic factors in any ecosystem.
  12. Why does the amount of toxic chemicals keep on increasing in the food chain when we move from left to right?


Mastering English Grammar: Unleashing the Power of Editing Exercises

Uncover the Art of Error Spotting with Engaging Editing Exercises

English grammar enthusiasts, buckle up! Dive into the realm of linguistic refinement with our immersive web page dedicated to the captivating world of Editing Exercises. Transform your language prowess as you embark on a journey where each line holds a hidden error, waiting for your keen eye to spot and correct it.


Multiple Choice/Objective Type Questions

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given.

Choose the correct one from the option given below.


  1. Mathematics was all around us. It is the silent part ……………….                                                                                                             ……………….
  2. Of modern world. Given that ubiquitous nature of ……………….                                                                                                             ……………….
  3. Mathematics, how did people react to it? The reactions ……………….                                                                                                             ……………….
  4. Seems to straddle two extremes, either it is a ……………….                                                                                                             ……………….
  5. Visceral fear of Mathematics, of there is a complete awe. ……………….                                                                                                             ……………….


(a) (i) are                            (ii)   is                            (iii) has been                  (iv) will be

(b) (i) the                           (ii)  a                              (iii) these                        (iv)  those

(c) (i) will                            (ii) does                         (iii) has                           (iv) done

(d) (i) seem                         (ii)   seemed                  (iii) seeming                   (iv) seemingly


(a) Low quality training on the under graduate level                              ……………….        ……………….

(b) would mean a slew of teachers at school which will                         ……………….        ……………….

(c) be raising a new generation of citizen with nightmarish                   ……………….        ……………….

(d) experiences of Mathematics. That also means lowering                   ……………….        ……………….

(e) standards of research of Mathematics.                                              ……………….        ……………….


(a)  (i) at                              (ii) in                             (iii) for                            (iv) with

(b)  (i) who                          (ii) that                          (iii) these                        (iv) those

(c)  (i) have raised               (ii) raises                        (iii) raised                       (iv) raise

(d)  (i) by                             (ii) from                         (iii) about                        (iv) for

(e)  (i) for                             (ii) in                              (iii) from                         (iv) at



(a) Stereotypes has been nurtured in the employment                           ……………….        ……………….

(b) sector for long jobs involved more physical stress                             ……………….        ……………….

(c) or laborious mechanical work has been marked as                            ……………….        ……………….

(d) and male bastion, while jobs such as teaching have                          ……………….        ……………….

(e) been women-dominated since years.                                                ……………….        ……………….


(a) (i) are                             (ii) have                         (iii) has been                    (iv) will be

(b) (i) will involve                (ii) involves                    (iii) involve                        (iv) involving

(c) (i) and                             (ii) but                           (iii) so                               (iv) far

(d) (i) a                                (ii) a                               (iii) the                             (iv) being


  1. Following MHRD’s mandate of increasing the female                        ……………….                              ……………….
  2. enrolment to 14% in IITs, several premiers institute                            ……………….                              ……………….
  3. have registered much female students premiers institute                    ……………….                            ……………….
  4. undergraduate programmes. A government’s move                            ……………….                            ……………….
  5. was aims to improve women representation in Technical institute      ……………….                            ……………….

(a) (i) are                              (ii) increasing                (iii) has been                    (iv) will be

(b) (i) premier                      (ii) prime                       (iii) primer                        (iv) prima

(c) (i) more                          (ii) most                         (iii) many                          (iv) few

(d) (i) these                          (ii) that                          (iii) an                               (iv) the

(e) (i) aiming                        (ii) aimed                       (iii) aim                            (iv) been aimed



  1. Adventure education of India is still an alien concept.                       ……………….                                           ……………….
  2. There is still several misconceptions associated                                  ……………….                                           ……………….
  3. With a subject that has been widely taught in foreign                       ……………….                                            ……………….
  4. universities. The concepts of learning with adventure                      ……………….                                              ……………….
  5. experiences are known as adventure education.                              ……………….                                              ……………….


(a) (i) in                                (ii) is                              (iii) on                             (iv)off

(b) (i) was                            (ii) were                         (iii) are                             (iv)have

(c) (i) a                                 (ii) the                           (iii) an                              (iv)each

(d) (i) adventures                 (ii) adventurous            (iii) adventuring                   (iv)adventured



      (a)Animation has become an lucrative field in India as                           ……………….                                              ……………….

(b) a local market is growing at a fast pace. The                                      ……………….                                              ……………….

(c) industry have lately seen a massive influx of youngsters                   ……………….                                              ……………….

(d) keen in make a career here .There are a variety                                ……………….                                              ……………….

(e) roles to chose from content developer to animator.                         ……………….                                              ……………….


(a) (i)a                                 (ii)the                           (iii)these                        (iv)that

(b) (i)these                          (ii)an                             (iii)the      (iv)those

(c) (i) will                             (ii)does                         (iii)has                            (iv)do

(d) (i)of                               (ii)to                             (iii)from                          (iv)for

(e) (i)chosen                       (ii)choosing                  (iii)chooses      (iv)choose


(a) The king said, ’Young man, I am impressed for                                  ……………….                                              ……………….

(b) see your determination of initiative. I was searching                        ……………….                                              ……………….

(c) for a person in my kingdom which would set an                                ……………….                                              ……………….

(d) example for test of the subjects. Many people passed                     ……………….                                              ……………….

(e) that way and nobody take the initiative to remove it.                       ……………….                                              ……………….


(a) (i)of                                (ii)in                              (iii)to                              (iv)on

(b) (i) am                             (ii)was                           (iii)were                         (iv)will

(c) (i) when                         (ii)who                          (iii)what                         (iv)that

(d) (i) testing                       (ii)test                           (iii)rest      (iv)rested


(a) long ago, there is king who was very upset to                                    ……………….                                              ……………….

(b) see that her subjects were not at all hard working                            ……………….                                              ……………….

(c) and lack enthusiasm. They always depended                                    ……………….                                              ……………….

(d) on others for a work they could have done                                       ……………….                                              ……………….

(e) themselves. He wanted to teaching them a lesson                            ……………….                                              ……………….


(a) (i) are                             (ii)is                              (iii)has ben               (iv)was

(b) (i) hers                           (ii)his                            (iii)their                    (iv) theirs

(c) (i) depend                      (ii)depending               (iii)depends             (iv) depending

(d) (i) an                              (ii)the                           (iii) this                     (iv) that

(e) (i) teachers                    (ii) taught                     (iii)has taught          (iv)teach




(a) Some people have a habit of recalling the wrong                              ……………….                                              ……………….

(b) done to them again by again. This is indeed a                                   ……………….                                              ……………….

(c) very bad habit has. Our mental health is well as                                ……………….                                              ……………….

(d) physical health has badly affected by this habit.                               ……………….                                              ……………….

(e) you are able to forgive easily if somebody wrong you                       ……………….                                              ……………….


(a) (i) that                           (ii)the                           (iii)an                       (iv)this

(b)(i) or                               (ii) but                          (iii)and                     (iv)so

(c) (i) as                               (ii)so                             (iii)has                      (iv)are

(d)(i) is                                (ii) are                           (iii) was                     (iv) were

(e)(i) wronged                    (ii) wrongs                    (iii) had wrong         (iv) will wrong




(a) Laughter help us relax and makes us happy.                                      ……………….        ……………….

(b)It is been scientifically proved that laughter                                       ……………….                                              ……………….

(c) has the positive effect on our health. Our laughter                           ……………….                                              ……………….

(d) should been healthy and should not hurt anyone .It                         ……………….                                              ……………….

(e) should bring a smile in everyone’s face                                              ……………….                                              ………………


(a) (i) helped                      (ii)helping                     (iii)helps                   (iv)will help

(b) (i)has                             (ii)have                         (iii)had                     (iv)will have

(c) (i) that                           (ii)some                        (iii)an                       (iv)a

(d) (i) seem                         (ii)be                             (iii)being                  (iv)seemed

(e) (i) for                             (ii)into                          (iii)from                    (iv)on




      (a) Tenali Raman want to go to the Royal Court                                      ……………….                                              ……………….

(b) to tell some confidential new to the king.                                          ……………….                                              ……………….

(c) But the security guards do not allow him in.                                      ……………….                                              ……………….

(d) Tenali trying to convince the guards hat his                                       ……………….                                              ……………….

(e) meeting with the king is very important.                                           ……………….                                              ……………….


(a) (i)wants                         (ii)wanted                    (iii)wanting              (iv)will want

(b) (i)that                            (ii)news                        (iii)new thing      (iv)newness

(c) (i)will                             (ii)does                         (iii)has                      (iv)did

(d) (i) trial                           (ii)tried                         (iii)tries                    (iv)try

(e) (i) has                            (ii)have                         (iii)had                     (Iv)was



  1. Robinson was shipwreck on e.g., shipwreck      shipwrecked

(a) a island. It was inhabited                                                                    ……………….                                              ……………….

(b) only by animals or birds. There                                                           ……………….                                              ……………….

(c) was not a single human beings                                                           ……………….                                              ……………….

(d) on an island. He saw a large number                                                 ……………….                                              ……………….

(e) of multicoloured bird footmarks on the ground                                ……………….                                              ……………….


(a) (i)an                               (ii)this                           (iii)the                      (iv)that

(b) (i)but                             (ii)so                             (iii)the                      (iv)so

(c) (i)have been                  (ii)been                         (iii)be                       (iv)being

(d) (i) a                                (ii)the                           (iii)these                  (iv)those

(e) (i)multicolour                (ii)multicolouring         (iii)multicolours         (iv)multicolourful



  1. Robinson and his friend lived at e.g., at in

      (a) peace for near a year. They                                                                 ……………….                                              ……………….

(b) had everything that he needed.                                                         ……………….                                              ……………….

(c) They had so much to learning                                                             ……………….                                              ……………….

(d) that the time passed very quick.                                                        ……………….                                              ……………….

(e)Soon they knew how to dig a soil, grind the corn, etc.                        ……………….                                              ……………….


(a) (i) nearing                     (ii)nearly                       (iii)nears                  (iv)nearer

(b) (i) they                           (ii)she                           (iii)you                     (iv)we

(c) (i)learnt                         (ii) learn                        (iii)learns                 (iv)learned

(d) (i) quicken                     (ii) quickly                     (iii) quickening         (iv) quicker

(e)(i) these                          (ii) an                            (iii) that                    (iv) the



  1. Essex Farms is the famous resort. e.g . , the a

      (a) It is located in Aurbindo                                                                     ……………….                                              ……………….

(b)Marg. It has the bowling alley and                                                      ……………….                                              ……………….

(c) Lots with games for children to play. The                                           ……………….                                              ……………….

(d) multi cuisine restaurants add for the charm.                                     ……………….                                              ……………….

(e) This resort gives you the choice of air conditioned  rooms.              ……………….                                              ……………….


(a) (i) by                              (ii)at                              (iii)on                       (iv)into

(b) (i) the                            (ii)a                               (iii)these                  (iv)an

(c) (i) in                               (ii)at                              (iii)on                       (iv)of

(d) (i)in                                (ii)to                             (iii)for                       (iv)with

(e) (i) a                                (ii)an                             (iii)from                    (iv)the



  1. One day Manju’s aunt with uncle e. g.,                                                with                                            and

      (a) took her on a circus. This circus                                                          ……………….                                              ……………….

(b) was spread to a large tent. In the                                                       ……………….                                              ……………….

(c) middle of the tent there was empty                                                   ……………….                                              ……………….

(d) ring. They sat down over their seats                                                  ……………….                                              ……………….

(e) and listed to a band.                                                                           ……………….                                              ……………….


(a) (i) for                             (ii)to                             (iii)from                    (iv) in

(b) (i) across                        (ii)on                             (iii)over                    (iv)around

(c) (i) a                                (ii)an                             (iii)the                      (iv)from

(d) (i)in                                (ii)at                              (iii)on                       (iv)with

(e) (i) for                             (ii)an                             (iii)from                    (iv)the

Class 9 Tissue Extra Questions

Class – IX                                            CSCE TUTORIAL                                               Science



  1. What do you mean by the term Tissue?
  2. What are the three types of meristems?
  3. Which meristem is present at growing tips of stem and roots?
  4. Name the basic packing tissue of plant.
  5. Name the tissue present in soft parts of the plants like pith and cortex.
  6. Name the tissue found at the base of leaves.
  7. What leads to increase in the girth of stem?
  8. What feature helps aquatic plants to maintain buoyancy in Water?
  9. Name the parenchyma which contains chlorophyll.
  10. Name the tissue which is present in the veins of leaves.
  11. Walls of sclerenchymatous cells are thickened. What causes the thickening?
  12. Why epidermis of plants living in dry habitats is thicker?
  13. What is the function of waxy covering on epidermis of aerial parts of plants?
  14. Why are corks impervious to gases and water?
  15. What is bast ? Enlist its major features and functions.
  16. Write down the name of living cells of Xylem and Phloem.
  17. Which complex permanent tissue conducts materials in both directions?
  18. Which type of conducting tissues conduct water and minerals vertically?
  19. Name the dead element of phloem.
  20. What is the common name of:-
    a) Xylem                b) Phloem
  21. Which type of tissue is found at shoot apex? Name another part of the plant body where this type of tissue is found.
  22. Write a short note on different types of meristematic tissue with their location and function in plants.
  23. Show the diagrammatic representation of location of lateral meristem and intercalary meristem in plant body.
  24. What is the difference in aerenchyma and chlorenchyma.
  25. Write the functions of following chemical substances found in plant tissues:
    (i) Lignin                                                              (ii) Cutin
  1. Water hyacinth floats on water surface. Explain.
  2. What are the functions of collenchyma in plants?
  3. What is the role of epidermis in plants?
  4. Answer the following :
    (i) How is the epidermis of the plants living in very dry habitats adapted?
    (ii)Write the functions of guard cells of stomata in the leaf.
  1. Why is epidermis present as a thick waxy coating of cutin in desert plants?
  2. Write a short note on vascular bundle.
  3. Name the components of Xylem and draw a living component.
  4. Draw a diagrammatic labeled sketch of stem tip to show location of merismatic tissue. Mention the function of different types of meristematic tissue.
  5. Name the tissue responsible for the flexibility in plants. How would you differentiate it from other permanent tissue?
  6. Describe three functions of protective tissue in plants.
  7. Differentiate between Sclerenchyma and Parenchyma tissue. Draw well labeled diagram.
  8. What are the characteristics of cork? How it is formed? Mention its role.
  9. Write a note on the protective tissue in plants.

Class 9 Tissue Notes

Class – IX                                CSCE TUTORIAL                                       Biology




Tissues are the cluster of structurally and functionally similar cells arranged to give the highest possible efficiency of the function they perform. All cells of a tissue have a common origin.

Characteristics of Tissues

  1. There is division of labour in multicellular organisms, as different group of cells perform different functions.
  2. Tissues become organized to form organs and organs thereby develop into systems.
  3. Due to improved organisation and higher efficiency, multicellular organisms have higher rate of survival than unicellular organisms.


Plant Tissue

On the basis of dividing capacity, plant tissues can be classified into two fundamental types as:-

1). Meristematic Tissue

The tissue whose called divide actively throughout life is known as meristematic tissue. It is also called as growth tissue and is found in the growing regions of plant like root and shoot tip. The process of cell division in meristematic tissue is prominent to get new cells. Cell forming in this tissue are active and have dense cytoplasm, thin cellulose walls and prominent nuclei. These are classified on the basis of  the regions where they are present as growth of plants occurs only in certain specific regions.

  1. Apical Meristem – These are present at growing tips of stems and roots. Thus, are helpful in increasing the length of the stems and the roots. It acts as pro-meristem having actively dividing cells, giving rise to other meristems.
  2. Intercalary Meristem – These are present at the base of the leaves or internodes on twigs. It helps in longitudinal growth of plants by adding primary tissues.
  3. Lateral Meristem – These are present on the lateral sides of stem and roots. It helps in increasing the girth of the stem or root.


2). Permanent Tissue

This tissue is formed from the cells of meristematic tissue when they loose their ability to divide and have attained a permanent shape, size and function by the process called differentiation.

  1. Simple permanent tissue
    It is made up of only one type of cells, the cell forming these tissues are similar in structure and function.
  2. Parenchyma
    They are present in cortex and pith of stem and roots and also in mesophyll of leaves.

Characteristics of Parenchyma are:-

  1. The cells are isodiametric, i.e. all sides equal with thin cell walls made up of cellulose.
  2. Cells are loosely packed with large spaces between cells (i.e. intercellular spaces).
  3. Each cell encloses a large vacuole and a peripheral cytoplasm containing nucleus.

Functions of Parenchyma are :-

  1. It stores and assimilates food and serves as food storage tissue.
  2. It provides support to plant due to its turgidity property.
  3. When the parenchyma cell contains chlorophyll in some situations, it performs photosynthesis. Such Parenchyma tissues are called Chlorenchyma.
  4. In aquatic plants, large air cavities are present in parenchyma cells in order to give buoyancy to plants which help them to float. Such type of parenchyma tissue is called Aerenchyma. 


  1. The presence of intracellular spaces between the cells allows the exchange of gases.
  2. It serves as a packing tissue to fill the spaces between other tissues and maintains the shape and firmness of the plants.
  3. Collenchyma

These are the tissues which are found in leaf stalks below the epidermis, leaf mid-ribs and herbaceous dicot stems.

Characteristics of Collenchyma are:-

  1. Cells are living, elongated and irregularly thickened at the corners.
  2. Cell wall has extra deposition of cellulose and pectin and possesses simple pits.
  3. They have very little intercellular spaces.
  4. They contain chloroplast.

Functions of Collenchyma are:-

  1. It provides mechanical support and elasticity or flexibility to plants.
  2. It allows easy bending in various parts of a plant without breaking.
  3. They manufacture sugar and starch when possess chloroplasts.
  4. Sclerenchyma
    It is present in stems, around vascular bundles, in the veins of leaves and in the hard covering of seeds and nuts.

Characteristics of Sclerenchyma are:-

  1. The cells of sclerenchyma tissue are dead and do not contain protoplasm.
  2. The cells are long and narrow in appearance.
  3. Cells are of two types : fibres and sclereids (grit cells or stone cells).
  4. Cell wall are thickened due to lignin deposition which acts as cement and hardens them.
  5. A prominent middle lamella exists between two cells.
  6. Due to the presence of thick walls, there is no internal space inside the cell.

Functions of Sclerenchyma are:-

  1. It is known to be chief mechanical tissue which makes plant hard and stiff.
  2. It provides strength and enables the plant to bear various stresses.
  3. It forms protective covering around seeds and nuts.
  4. It gives rigidity, flexibility and elasticity to the plant body.


Protective Tissue

The protective tissue is meant to provide protection to the plants from undue loss of water and retain adequate water in them. The two types of protective tissues present in plants are:-

(i) Epidermis                                                         (ii) Cork (or Phellum)

  • Epidermis

Epidermis is the outer covering of the plant. It is meant to provide protection to all the parts of the plant. On the aerial parts of the plant, Epidermal cells often secrete a waxy, water-resistant layer on their outer surface which provides protection against loss of water, mechanical injury and invasion of parasitic fungi. Cells of epidermis tissue form a continuous layer and no intercellular spaces due to protective role.

Epidermal cells of leaf bear small pores known as stomata. These are enclosed by two kidney shaped cells called guard cells. Stomata are responsible for the exchange of gases with the atmosphere and for the process of transpiration. The epidermal cells of roots whose main function is water absorption bear long hair like outgrowths called root hair that greatly increase the total absorptive surface area and helps the roots to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. In desert plants, epidermis has a thick waxy coating of cutin on its surface to prevent water loss. Cutin is a chemical substance with waterproof quality.


  • Cork

It is the strip of secondary meristem which replaces the epidermis of older stems. Cells of cork are dead, compactly arranged and have no intercellular spaces. It forms bark of the tree. A chemical called suberin is present in their walls which make them impervious to gases and water. It prevents desiccation, infection and mechanical injury.


Complex Permanent Tissue

It is made of more than one type of cells having a common origin. The cells look different from each other. Regardless of different appearances, all the cells co-ordinate to perform a common function.

Types of Complex Permanent Tissue are:-

  • Xylem

It is a vascular and mechanical conducting tissue, also known as wood. The cells of xylem have thick walls and many of them are dead. It transport water and minerals from roots to other parts of the plant. It provides mechanical strength to the plant. Xylem consist of various types of elements which are :-

  1. Tracheids
    These are long, tubular, elongated, dead cells with lignified walls and tapering ends. They transport water and minerals vertically. They possess pits for transport of water from cell to cell.
  2. Vessels
    These are long, tube like structures, formed by a row of cells, placed end to end. These  are dead cells with lignified walls. These are shorter and wider than tracheids due to their thick walls and broad lumen.
  3. Xylem Parenchyma
    These are the only living cells of xylem with thin cell walls. It stores food and help in the sideways conduction of water.
  4. Xylem Fibres
    They have elongated dead cells with tapering ends and thick cell walls. They are sclerenchyma fibres associated with Xylem.
  • Phloem

It is another kind of living conducting tissue, also known as bast. It transport food from leaves to other parts of the plant. Materials can move in both direction in it. All phloem cells are living except phloem fibres.

  1. Sieve tubes
    These are tubular cells with walls perforated by numerous pores and are called sieve plates. Nucleus is absent, but present in young cells. They have thin layer of cytoplasm.
  2. Companion cells
    These are small elongated cells having thin walls. They have dense cytoplasm and prominent nucleus. They are connected to sieve tubes with numerous plasmodesmata. They help in maintain pressure gradient in sieve tube.
  3. Phloem parenchyma
    These are thin-walled living parenchymatous cells. They help in storage and slow lateral conduction of food by plasmodesmatal connections.
  4. Phloem fibre
    These are thick-walled, elongated, dead sclerenchymatous cells having narrow lumen. They provide mechanical strength to the tissue. Bast fibers obtained from plants like jute, hemp, flex etc. have commercial value.


Animal Tissue

  1. Epithelial Tissue
    It is the simplest protective tissue of the animal body, which covers most organs and cavities of the body. Cells of epithelial tissues are tightly packed and form a continuous sheet. They have a very small amount of cementing material between them. It forms a barrier to keep different body systems separated from each other. It is separated from underlying tissue by an extracellular fibrous basement membrane containing collagen.

On the basis of shape and arrangement, epithelial tissues further classified as:-

  1. Squamous Epithelium

    ‘Squama’ means scales. It has scale like appearance, it is also known as tessellated or pavement epithelium.
    It is further categorized as :-
    1. Simple Squamous Epithelium
    The cells are very thin and flat and appear as tiles over a floor. It is single layered and closely fitted. It forms a delicate lining of blood vessels and lung alveoli, where substance transport occurs through a selectively permeable membrane.
    2. Stratified Squamous Epithelium


  2. Cuboidal Epithelium
  3. Column Epithelium
  4. Ciliated Columnar Epithelium



Matter in Our Surroundings Class 9


Class – IX                                                                                                                                                                              Science

Matter in Our Surroundings
  1. Name the two gases which are supplied in compressed form in homes and hospitals.
  2. Name the state of matter that have the tendency to maintain their shape when subjected to outside force.
  3. Name any three substances that show sublimation.
  4. What is dry ice?
  5. Name the process which occurs when a drop of Dettol is added to water.
  6. Name SI unit of measuring temperature. The boiling point of water is 100°C under normal atmospheric pressure. Convert this temperature to SI Units.
  7. Give reasons for the following:
    (a) Gases fill up completely the vessel in which they are kept.
    (b) Gases exert pressure on the walls of the containing vessel.
  1. Name three states of matter. Which state of matter is rigid and why?
  2. List three characteristics of particles of matter. Describe one example for each characteristic to illustrate it. Name the characteristics which are responsible for
    a. spreading of smell of scent in a room and
    b. water taking the shape of the vessel in which poured.
  3. To which physical state of matter, do the following statements apply?
    incompressible, no fixed shape
    incompressible, high melting point
    compressible, no definite volume
    incompressible, highly fluid.
  4. Define (a) Compressibility (b) Rigidity (c) Fluidity
  5. List any two properties of liquids which are common to gases.
  6. State the physical state of water as the following temperatures.

(a) 373 K                             (b) 300 K                            (c) 200 K

  1. A drop of ink and a drop of honey are placed in water in different beakers. Which of the two will spread faster? Give reason for your answer.
  2. Explain why do wet clothes dry faster when we spread them out.
  3. Name the state of matter in which:
    (i) Layers of particles can slip and slide over one another easily.
    (ii) Particles just move around randomly because of very weak force of attraction.

Coordinate Geometry Class 10 Practice Questions


Coordinate Geometry

Class – X                                                                                                                                                                            Mathematics
  1. Find a relation between x and y such that the point (x, y) is equidistant from the points (7, 1) and (3, 5).
  2. Find a point on the y-axis equidistant from (-5, 2) and (9, -2)
  3. Find the distance of the point (-3, 4) from the x-axis.
  4. Find the distance of the point P (2, 3) from the x-axis.
  5. Find the coordinates of the points of trisection (i.e., points dividing into three equal parts) of the line segment joining the points A(2, – 2) and B(– 7, 4).
  6. Find the value of a when the distance between the points (3, a) and (4, 1) is √10.
  7. Find the value of x, y if the distances of the point (x, y) from (- 3, 0) as well as from (3, 0) are 4.
  8. If the points (2, 1) and (1, -2) are equidistant from the point (x, y), show that
x + 3y = 0.
  1. Which point on the x-axis is equidistant from (5, 9) and (-4, 6)?
  2. Find a point on the x-axis which is equidistant from the points (7, 6) and (-3, 4).
  3. The length of a line segment is of 10 units, and the coordinates of one end-point are (2, -3). If the abscissa of the other end is 10, find the ordinate of the other end.
  4. Show that the points A(- 4, -1), B(-2, – 4), C(4, 0) and D(2, 3) are the vertices points of a rectangle.
  5. The points A (2, 9), B (a, 5) and C (5, 5) are the vertices of a triangle ABC, right-angled at B. Find the values of a and hence the area of triangle ABC.
  6. Prove that the points (-2, 5), (0, 1) and (2, -3) are collinear.
  7. The coordinates of point P are (-3, 2). Find the coordinates of the point Q, which lies on the line joining P and origin such that OP = OQ.
  8. The three vertices of a parallelogram are (3, 4), (3, 8) and (9, 8). Find the fourth vertex.
  9. Find a point which is equidistant from points A (-5, 4) and B (-1, 6). How many such points are there?
  10. The centre of a circle is (2a, a – 7). Find the values of a if the circle passes through the point (11, -9) and has diameter 10√2 units.
  1. Ayush starts walking from his house to the office. Instead of going to the office directly, he goes to the bank first, from there to his daughter’s school and then reaches the office. What is the extra distance travelled by Ayush in reaching the office? (Assume that all distances covered are in straight lines). If the house is situated at (2, 4), bank at (5, 8), school at (13, 14) and office at (13, 26) and coordinates are in kilometers.
  2. Find the ratio in which the line segment joining the points (– 3, 10) and (6, – 8) is divided by (– 1, 6).
  3. Find the coordinates of point A, where AB is the diameter of the circle whose centre is (2, -3) and B is (1, 4).
  4. If (a, b) is the mid-point of the line segment joining the points A (10, -6), B(k, 4) and a – 2b = 18, find the value of k and the distance AB.
  5. If P(9a – 2, -b) divides the line segment joining A(3a + 1, -3) and B(8a, 5) in the ratio 3 : 1, find the values of a and b.
  6. If the points (-2, 1), (1, 0), (x, 3) and (1, y) form a parallelogram, find the values of x and y.